Sunday, April 13, 2014


Hello there. Are you still there to hear my hello? Consistency in blogging hasn't been my forte no matter how good my reasons may be, so I would not be surprised if I am blogging into a great void. Carry on, I say!

Spring seems to have sprung yet again despite our meek human grumblings of that possibility not being possible. That's not to say there are no surprises left in nature's bag of tricks, which brings us to the leftovers.

This pair of Canada geese has been hanging out in our front yard this week, which is not a usual hangout for geese. They seem very interested in that burn pile area there, and I suspect Lady Goose may want to nest on it. I even suspect this may be the same pair for whom we saved one of their babies last summer If not, then last year's pair gossiped to this pair and told them what a cool place this was. I just don't want to get goosed by an angry pair of geese protecting their nest. That is not cool.

Last year's pansy becoming this year's pansy.

Last year's lettuce seeds finally getting the hint. Dorks. Although since I will have limited time to garden this year, I need all the help I can get. I'm sorry, lettuce, you're not a dork.

Parsley?! You're supposed to have died months ago. It's a resurrection miracle!

This is the biggest (literally) leftover surprise of them all. It is a beautiful blooming tree that is not far outside our back door and has to have been there for years to be the size it is now. We have never noticed the blooms until this year (provided it has bloomed before now, which I can't imagine, given its current size, that it has not.) My cursory search tells me that it is a flowering quince. 

Now for something really exciting. Are you ready? This is huge. 

Really huge.

Are you sitting down?

Meet Turtle.

We finally decided it was time to add a kitty back into our family, and we found this cutie at the Humane Society. More specifically, I found her cowering in a wooden box in one of the visiting rooms. Her timidity made her seem like not such a good choice, but the more we sat with her, the more she warmed up -- enough to convince us that it would only get better if we got her home where she could relax. Happily, we were right. She is just over a year old and came with the given name of "Smitten," and while we are smitten with her, she is my sweet Turtle. 

Just look at that cute face! I'm sorry she was leftover in two shelters before we saved her, but I am so grateful she can live with us now.She seems pretty happy about that, too.

Leftovers aren't so bad, eh?

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