Tuesday, May 4, 2010

To Beet Or Not To Beet

Look at these two pictures closely. One of them is little beet sprouts. The other is a common weed. Which one is which?

Remember, beets have red stems. Yeah, that doesn't help, does it? OK, beets have one shorter leaf with a longer leaf in the middle. Ah, you're right, that doesn't help, either.

I know it's hard. That's OK. But try not to take too long. The weeds grow quite quickly and will take over the slower-growing beets, so I kind of have to know before that happens. I'll be here with my gloves on, waiting.


  1. Gosh, at this stage, I can't tell the difference. Are there more of one plant coming up that the other in your beet bed? Otherwise, I'd say you are gonna have to wait it out a little longer to see. OR sacrifice one of each and pull them and see which root looks right. Then again, at this stage that might not work either.

  2. It's definitely a conundrum, Tristan! I do sort of have rows visible -- the rain likes to move the seeds -- so I think if I leave the rows, even if some weeds are in them, it'll be OK. Only time will tell if there are pickled beets in our future!

  3. Call Dwight Strute. His family proudly runs Strute Beet Farm in PA. :)
