Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Day

 All right, fine! It's winter, and I suppose it's got to snow eventually. So today's the day for us. We didn't let it deter us from our run, and once home, we took a field walk with the pups who adore snow.
 Otter is doing his best here to not appear crooked. He's being treated for what is either a middle ear infection or a stroke which has been causing him to fall down a lot, especially on the bare floors. It's also given him a perma-head-tilt, but he is very self-conscious and is hiding that in this pic. He would also appreciate it if you didn't say anything about his big lumps. Thank you.

 This first round has been a fluffy snow. It's very squeaky when you walk on it. I say first round because it took a break, the sun came out, but now it's flaking again. 

The girls do not like snow, and this is as far out as they will venture when the ground is covered. They have a nice protected area to play in, but if the snow gets much deeper, I will go out and rake some paths around the bigger yard. I spoil them, I know. And may I add how pretty Clara's neck feathers are?

The Big Guy photobombed my nice snow pic!!

Zuli gets to play ball every day, but she gets extra happy if she can do it in the snow. Let's break it down:
 See the tennis ball? Keep looking, I promise it's there.
(click on any photo to make it larger)

She sees the ball!

Too fast! She's outrun it.

Never losing sight of it, she makes a splashy pivot.

Not fast enough to catch it, but look at the cornering on that model! 

Time for cocoa and snausages. I'll let you figure out who gets what.

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